Our Work

Birds Connect Seattle leading a bird walk with QPoc Hikers | Wendy Walker

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Our Work

Birds Connect Seattle puts our mission into action through both urban and regional initiatives, designed to inspire appreciation, understanding, and protection of birds within and beyond our local community.

Urban Conservation

Birds Connect Seattle’s urban conservation programs span the areas of education, science, and conservation, focused on the greater Seattle area.

Conservation Advocacy

Birds don’t have a voice, so together, let’s give them ours. The Birds Connect Seattle community has the power to make sure our local law and policy makers are hearing our concerns related to environmental justice, habitat protection, and land allocation. Stay up to date on local initiatives that need your voice on our Conservation Advocacy page.

Regional Initiatives

The reach of many Birds Connect Seattle programs, especially those for science and conservation, extends beyond the boundaries of the greater Seattle area. Read more about our regional initiatives.

Equity & Justice

Birds Connect Seattle is committed to understanding and eradicating structural racial inequity at every level of our work, and creating spaces and programs that are accessible and welcoming to all.

Strategic Plan

The Birds Connect Seattle Board of Directors approved a new 2020-2023 strategic plan on June 11, 2020, released to the general public in July 2020. This plan, Cities at the Center, focuses the organization on five goals within three core themes: urban conservation, equity, and resilience.