A Seattle Audubon volunteer for over 20 years, Jane tells us about her passion for birds and commitment to The Nature Shop

Why Birding?

My whole family became bird watchers by osmosis. It’s almost impossible not to be a birder growing up in New Jersey and spending summer vacations in Cape May, a birder’s paradise on the East Coast Flyway. Learning to recognize all the fall warblers each year soon became a passion we all still enjoy, even my great nephew, whose first word was “Bird.” My annual migration to the Jersey shore allows me to see my favorite bird, the Black Skimmer. Back in my younger days, we went on many bird walks with Pete Dunne, the then Director of NJ Audubon’s Cape May Observatory and well known author. I remember those days as the real glory days filled with excitement in my family’s shared hobby which spanned into other vacation trips to enjoy even more birds in places like the Everglades, Baja Peninsula, the Galapagos Islands, Africa, India and more. Bird watching has become a way of life and this longtime love of birds helps me relate to other interested bird watchers in The Nature Shop.

Why Seattle Audubon?

Seattle has been my home for several decades now. There is no better place to connect with the birding world than in The Nature Shop. I started volunteering almost 20 years ago and immediately found a home away from home. The Nature Shop has such a neighborhood feel to it. I enjoy helping customers find the products they need so they can feed their passions of caring for  birds and enjoying outings in nature. Being surrounded by knowledgeable staff and visitors and discussing birds is a great way to spend the day. 

Why Not?

Birding is a great stress release and should be practiced daily, especially in these unusual times. Now that I have recently retired, I am spending more time watching backyard birds, going for safe walks at local parks and reading bird periodicals. I am really looking forward to returning to The Nature Shop some day and reconnecting with full-sized birding life again. Hope to see you there soon!